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Msg Def (MDF)



In the Msg Def (MDF) tab, the administrator may select from two rules groups: Global or Agency. These rules groups are listed and described below.



The Global rules group are default program message definitions that are configured for the entire agency and subagency network. These definitions are set by Datamaxx Applied Technologies, Inc. personnel only.



The Agency rules group are default program message definitions that are agency specific. These definitions are set by the agency’s system administrator, and only at this level can these defaults be changed for subagency definitions.


By selecting the Agency option, a list of all message definitions available to all users in an agency are displayed. The administrator may select one definition from the message definitions list and perform the following functions: New, Copy, Save, Cancel, Move, Edit, Delete, Show, Help and Done.


The New button is available to create a new copy of the selected message definition. By clicking this button, the administrator is prompted to save changes to the new definition in the database.


The administrator may save the new message definition in the database by clicking the Save button. Note the new Identifier precedes the definition name.


The Copy button allows the administrator to copy a message definition.


The administrator may save the copy of the message definition by clicking the Save button. Note the new Identifier precedes the definition.


The Cancel button allows the administrator to quit any changes to a message definition before saving to the database. The administrator clicks the Cancel button to quit the creation of a new message definition process and the Cancel Confirmation dialog box is displayed. The administrator clicks Yes to cancel the process, or No to continue the create new message definition process.


The administrator clicks Yes to confirm the intention to quit the creation of the new message definition process. The administrator is returned to the Application Rules Editor Msg Def screen. Note: The new definition is deleted from the message definitions list.


The Move button allows the administrator to move the message definition to another place in the message definitions list.


The administrator clicks the OK button and the Move Msg Def Confirmation dialog box is displayed. The administrator selects the new location for the message definition. The administrator clicks the OK button once again to move the message definition to a new location.




The Edit button allows the administrator to make any changes to the message definition properties. Note the ID, Name, and Version fields are displayed in grayed text (“grayed-out”) and cannot be altered. These fields are referred to as primary keys and are used as search criteria. The Properties fields shown in blue are mandatory fields.


Make modifications to the following field (if any):



The message format for the highlighted message definition. Clicking the Copy button will automatically display the message format selected by the administrator.


Library Functions

The library functions called by the highlighted message definition module. Clicking the Copy button will automatically display the library function selected by the administrator.



The administrator selects the controlling group for the message definitions. Clicking the Copy button will automatically display the control group selected by the administrator.


Message Definition

The display window for the message definitions selected by the administrator.


Function Description

The display window for the library function called by the message definition selected by the administrator.


The administrator saves the modifications made to the message definition by clicking the Save button.


The Cancel button allows the administrator to quit any changes to a message definition before saving to the database.


The administrator clicks the Cancel button to quit the modification process and the Cancel Confirmation dialog box is displayed. The administrator clicks Yes to cancel the process, or No to continue the modification process.


The administrator clicks Yes to confirm the intention to quit the modification process. The message definition reverts back to its prior parameter values.


The XML button allows the Standard Rules Editor to display the XML for a particular message definition.


The Standard Rules XML Editor provides the administrator with four options: Check, Cancel, Print, and Done. These options are listed and described below.





The Check button provides a sanity check for the XML coding of a particular message. Click the OK button to return to the Standard Rules XML Editor. The administrator may check for incorrect XML statements in the message code. A dialog box is displayed confirming well-formed code or an error in the code.



This button cancels the print process and/or closes the Standard Rules XML Editor.



The Print button prints a copy of the XML for a particular message on the user’s local printer.



The administrator is provided with two options for closing the Standard Rules XML Editor: clicking the Done button or the button to return to the Msg Def Rules Editor.




The Show button allows the administrator to view the new list name and the group name description. Close the dialog box by clicking the button to return to the MsgDef Rules Editor.



The Help button provides helpful instructions for the MsgDef Rules Editor and its functions.



The Done button allows the administrator to exit the MsgDef Rules Editor. If the data has not been previously saved, the administrator is prompted by a Save Changes dialog box.